Ellie Doughty is a Communication Arts major at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. She dreams big!
Her creative progress is documented here through (supposedly) daily posts of stuff she makes.

Contact – sleepgreen@gmail.com

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

who has eaten all my windows?

hey it's post #400! wowies. impressive until i remember this blog started as a picture a day thing.....still, pretty good right? right????? guys?

anyway, putting up some documentation from the show kelley lowe and i put on at VCU's student commons gallery last month celebrating friedensreich hunderwasser. we painted all those chairs in two days (after his fensterrecht ideology) and executed a reenactment of his unfinished infinite line performance in hamburg. it got weird. good weird? i guess.

in other news, i've been busy like never before (?), but i guess it's paying off: i won an award and a scholarship today from my department. got rejected from something else big earlier in the week so now i'm all balanced out.  no idea what i'll do in the summer now, but i think it something will work out. it always does, right? (as long as i stress out about it enough to make it happen)

1 comment:

jefsmack said...

!!! this is cool +++